

33 Produkte

Zeigt 1 - 33 von 33 Produkten

Die warmen Farbtöne von Flame verleihen dem Tisch ein einzigartiges, handgefertigtes Gefühl

Zeigt 1 - 33 von 33 Produkten
Rustico Stoneware Butter Pot-7cm
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Rustico Stoneware Coupe Plate-27cm
Azul Round Tapas Dish - 10cm
Rustico Stoneware Flame Oval Eared Dish 28cm / 11 '' - Pack of 6
Azul Round Tapas Dish - 10cm
Rustico Stoneware Unhandled Sauceboat-11cm
Rustico Conic Bowl-11cm
Rustico Stoneware Round Oven Plate
Rustico Stoneware Runder Ofenteller aus Steingut von Rustico
Sonderpreis£53.39 Inc. VAT
Rustico Stoneware Rectangular Plate-24x16cm
Einsparung 19%
Rustico Stoneware Individual Round/Oval Pie Dish
Rustico Stoneware Flame Oval Eared Dish 25cm / 10 '' - Pack of 6
Rustico Flame Rechteckiger Teller 29 x 19,5 cm – 6er-Pack
Azul Round Tapas Dish - 10cm
Rustico Flame Zuckerdose 11 cm (30 cl) 4 ¼ Zoll (10 oz) – 6er-Pack
Rustico Stoneware Coupe Plate
Rustico Stoneware Coupe Plate-27cm
Soup Bowl - 18cm
Rustico Stoneware Round Oven Plate
Rustico Stoneware Flame Oval Eared Dish 22cm / 8 '' - Pack of 6
Rustico Flame Rechteckiger Teller 34,5 x 23,5 cm – 6er-Pack
Rustico Flame Bellied Casserole 11,5 x 6 cm (42,5 cl) 4½ x 2¼ (15 oz) – 6er-Pack
Einsparung 19%
Rustico Stoneware Individual Round/Oval Pie Dish
Rustico Flame Dipschale 7,5 cm (9 cl) 3 Zoll (3 oz) – 6er-Pack
Rustico Schüssel mit Flammenfuß, 13 x 8 cm (45 cl), 5 ¼ x 3 (15 oz), 12 Stück
Rustico Flame Bistro Ovaler Teller 21 x 19 cm / 8¼ x 7¼ – 4er-PackRustico Stoneware Bistro Oval Plate
Rustico Stoneware Oval Plate
Rustico Flame Bistro Ovaler Teller 29,5 x 26 cm / 11 ½ x 10 ¼ – Packung mit 12 StückRustico Stoneware Bistro Oval Plate
Rustico Stoneware Deep/Sugar Bowl
Rustico Stoneware Oval Plate
Rustico Stoneware Rectangular Tray
Lidded Casserole - 12x5.5cm -
Lugged Soup Bowl - 13cm -
Rustico Flame Pastateller 25 cm – 12 StückPasta Plate - 25cm

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